Patient Care Services
Patient Care Services
Patient Care Services
The Health Care Destination That's Just Right For You !
The Health Care Destination That's Just Right For You !
The Health Care Destination That's Just Right For You !
Patient Care Services

Physiotherapy is an integral part of our patient services. Patients with diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, breathing disorders, orthopaedic conditions and, several medical conditions receive physiotherapy. Our well-equipped physiotherapy department offers a wide range of supportive therapy in the management of pain relief and ergonomics.
We can undertake intermittent cervical and pelvic traction, shortwave diathermy, ultrasound and transcutaneous electrical nerve and muscle stimulations, and interferential treatment.
Exercise therapy and mobilization aid in patient management protocols, especially in comprehensive management programmes for rehabilitation following stroke, scoliosis, monoparesis, paraparesis, post-operative conditions, brain-related disorders and making patients functional in activities of daily living are among the available services. Individualized therapy for children with disabilities (CP, Developmental delay, Autism) and chronic ailments are available. An incentive spirometer helps to treat the lung conditions.
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This is a regular service offered at TMH. Five units operate round the clock, and the centre is well equipped with well-trained and qualified technicians and nursing staff. The centre is adjacent to the emergency department and its functioning is overseen by the emergency consultant. A visiting nephrologist assesses the condition of the patients periodically.
Laboratory & Diagnostic Services
We have a full and growing support service to help with the diagnosis and treatment of many conditions. Our technical staff is qualified and experienced. Care is taken to ensure a high level of quality and accuracy in all our services.
Medical Laboratory:

Our laboratory offers a wide range of testing facilities in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Clinical Pathology. Our fully automated equipment provides accurate results on time. We are part of the External Quality Assurance System offered by the Christian Medical College, Vellore.
Radiography (X-rays):

Both a manually processed X-ray service and a computerized/digital system are available. X-rays ordered by our Consultants are reviewed immediately.
C.T. Scan:

We have a 32-slice C.T. Scan that gives hires images very useful for diagnosis.

Used in diagnosis by studying the images projected by the sound waves in the body, this is used for assessing the foetal status in pregnant women, problems in the abdomen, and pelvic region and endocrine glands.
This is attached to the ultrasound equipment that helps to assess the blood flow to the heart and lower limbs.

We have a treadmill that would help assess cardiac conditions.

A modern “HOLOGIC” system is available for Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scanning, as part of an Osteoporosis workup to evaluate bone density.
Facilities are available for 12-channel Electrocardiograms; results are interpreted immediately by the referring consultant.
Echo scans can be taken using this.

Spirometers are available for the assessment of lung function.

We have a modern soundproof audiology lab equipped with modern audiological equipment to conduct audiological tests like pure tone audiometry and impedance audiometry, as well as other electrophysiological tests like auditory brainstem audiometry.
TMH-Health Centre
Located at Muthukadai, just across the Ranipet bus terminus, the TMH-Health Centre offers all the services needed for an Outpatient. The Centre houses the C.T. Scan, X-ray, Ultrasound, Doppler and Treadmill. Lab samples can be collected. We offer OP services in General Medicine, Cardiology and Dental departments. Different kinds of Master Health Check-ups can be organized. The centre has its own technical and nursing staff to provide services. Those requiring further assessment and admission are sent to the TMH.
Outpatient Centres
Towards serving patients closer to the places of their living, we operate Outpatient centres in SIPCOT, Seekarajapuram, and Keeraisathu. Outpatient clinics are conducted thrice a week. Our specialists visit these centres to conduct camps. They function as telemedicine centres for our patients enrolled in diabetes and hypertension care programmes.

This service is now available for the patients with all the regular part-time and full-time consultants at the hospital. This is encouraged for outstation patients who have been regular hospital patients.
This is now a well-accepted service for our patients in our care programmes for diabetes and hypertension. This is efficient and effective for them as it cuts down their travel time to the hospital. and there is a connecting link at every step from their villages, centre and to the hospital.
Home Care Services

Services in nursing, physiotherapy, laboratory, and supply of medicines are enabled.