Fundraiser for Thirumalai Charity Trust - Sponsorship of ‘Kamalakshi’, an English Play by Madras Players

An Appeal For Sponsorship

The Thirumalai Charity Trust (TCT) is more than 50 years old and has an impeccable record of service in rural health, women empowerment, deaddiction and differently abled in the villages of Ranipet and Vellore District. The Thirumalai Mission Hospital (TMH) set up in 2010 on a not-for-profit basis, has established itself as a Centre for Non-communicable Diseases and developed a unique model of Primary and Secondary Healthcare. Please visit &

TMH is now expanding the hospital by adding another building with 96,000 sq.ft. to initiate services not available in the region. The special areas of service in the expansion would be trauma care including an exclusive hand surgery unit serviced by experienced experts, a dialysis centre of excellence, advanced facilities to undertake higher level of surgeries, woman, paediatric and geriatric health.

TCT also requires funds for its ongoing programmes in the community and hospital: Non communicable diseases, woman and child health, deaddiction and counseling, dialysis, poor patients treatment and the rest.

While the demands of the new building and TCT’s growing needs require multiple donors who would extend their support to transform rural healthcare and make a difference to this region, TCT is staging ‘Kamalakshi’, an English play by the Madras Players to raise funds for its varying needs. The programme is planned for Thursday, 16th February, 2024 at Narada Gana Sabha, Chennai.

TCT is inviting sponsors to make this event possible and help in adding to the corpus for the expansion project. TCT being a credible organization, sponsors would find their engagement in this meaningful.

Sponsorship Amount Standees in the lobby of the venue Exposure of the sponsor in all communications of the event – videos, teasers Video to play at the event Distribution of their flyers/samples to suit their need Number of passes
Rs. 5 lakhs 2 (5X3) Yes, as a main sponsor Yes, for a minute 2 times before the programme Yes 10
Rs. 4 lakhs 2 (4X2) Yes, as a cosponsor Yes, for a minute once before the programme Yes 8
Rs.3 lakhs 1(4X2) Yes, as a cosponsor Yes, for half a minute once before the programme Yes 5
Rs. 2 lakhs Yes, as a cosponsor Yes 3

If there is a preference to make donations over sponsorship, that is welcome, both as institutional and individual donations. All donors will be acknowledged suitably.

TCT is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to receive CSR donations. TCT is a registered charitable organization and donations to TCT are eligible for tax exemption under section 80G of the Income Tax.

All your donations, big or small, would be of great value to us and will be used 100% towards TCT’s projects. Please contact us for more details.

Our bank details are:
பெயர் கணக்கு எண். வங்கி கிளை IFSC குறியீடு
Thirumalai Charity Trust 425602010002880 Union Bank Of India Ranipet Industrial Estate UBIN0542563

Dr. Bhooma Parthasarathy, Trustee-Director, +91 99449 16277
Mr. Anand Rangachary, CEO, +91 98400 89388
Ms. Vidya Ravindran Anand, Deputy Director, Fund Raising, +91 91764 20191

TCT deserves your support and the cause merits your sponsorship and contribution.

We look forward to your favourable response at the earliest for us to go ahead in planning the event.
With Kind Regards
For Thirumalai Charity Trust

About Thirumalai Charity Trust

TCT was created in 1970 to promote education, provide medical relief to the rural poor and, in general, alleviate human suffering. In Bringing the rural poor together, in building their own future, focusing on women, children and vulnerable sections and fostering women empowerment, volunteerism and community ownership, its programmes evolved to suit the needs and made significant contributions to improve rural conditions.

TCT continues a tradition of service in education:

Helped to establish well-equipped educational institutions: The N.R. Swamy College of Commerce and The Thirumalai College of Science in Mumbai and Vedavalli Vidyalaya Schools in Ranipet-Walajapet

TCT promotes the health and welfare of rural families:

In a community based approach, utilizing local women volunteers, trained health workers and volunteer doctors and hospitals, it offered prevention and treatment programmes. TCT treated nearly 4 lakh people. In 2010, the Thirumalai Mission Hospital was started.

TCT helps rural women restore and preserve their dignity:

Promoted 1662 Women Self Help Groups with 35,065women; their cumulative loan amount was Rs. 21.93 crores and 10674 women utilized the loan for setting up businesses.

TCT strives to liberate rural families from the evils of alcohol:

Organized community based de-addiction camps and treated 547 alcoholics. In 2014, TCT set up the N.R. Swamy Rehab and Wellness Centre for the purpose and added counseling for mental wellness. It has treated more than 600 patients.

TCT lends a helping hand to disabled persons:

Enabled Government services for rural differently abled persons; more than 5000 people received Government benefits and assistive devices and mobility aids from other NGOs

The TMH has been constantly expanding from a 2 storeyed building of 5000 sq.ft., to four floors and 30,000 sq.ft.. It offers both OP and IP services in multiple departments (both medical & surgical) and is backed by an excellent laboratory and diagnostics. It has established itself as a centre for diabetes. It offers dialysis and physiotherapy as well. It has treated more than 400,000 patients and 7000 inpatients. The uniqueness of the hospital is in its services to the community in an integrated model of primary and secondary healthcare. The main strength of this secondary level community hospital is a committed network of Multipurpose Assistants and Family Care Volunteers who follow up the families and provide health education and basic medical services. With a deeply entrenched network to directly serve 160,000 people in 35,000 families in 315 villages of 50 Panchayats in Vellore and Ranipet Districts, the hospital has pioneered community-based care and management programs for a number of non-communicable diseases and has an impressive record. The model has received recognition from good healthcare institutions.

TMH envisions providing comprehensive healthcare with first-class facilities and services for all the health care needs of Ranipet and surrounding villages. It has the potential to grow to be a premier medical institution with added emphasis on education and research.

இருதயவியல் (கார்டியாலஜி)
இதய நோய்களை ஆரம்பத்தில் கண்டறிந்து சிகிச்சையை செயல்படுத்துவோம் என்று நாங்கள் நம்புகிறோம். டி.எம்.எச்-இல், ஓ.பி சேவைகளை வழங்குவதற்காக வருகை தரும் இருதயவியல் ஆலோசகர் எங்களிடம் இருக்கிறார். ராணிப்பேட்டை முத்துக்கடையில் உள்ள டி.எம்.எச் சுகாதார மையத்தில், தினசரி இருதய சிகிச்சை மருத்துவமனை செயல்படுகிறது. நோயாளிகள் இ.சி.ஜி, மின் ஒலி இதய வரைவு (எக்கோகார்டியோகிராம்), ஓடுபொறி (டிரெட்மில்) மற்றும் டாப்ளர் ஆகியவற்றுடன் தங்கள் நிலையை முழுமையாக மதிப்பீடு செய்யலாம். நீரிழிவு மற்றும் உயர் இரத்த அழுத்தம் போன்ற நாட்பட்ட நிலைமைகளைக் கொண்ட எங்கள் நோயாளிகள், சிகிச்சையளிக்கும் மருத்துவரின் பரிந்துரையின்படி இதய பரிசோதனைக்குச் செல்கிறார்கள். சேர்க்கை மற்றும் கூடுதல் மதிப்பீடு தேவைப்படும் நோயாளிகள் இதய பராமரிப்புக்கான எங்கள் ஒத்துழைப்பு மையங்களுக்குப் பரிந்துரைக்கப்படுகிறார்கள்.